161 SKSU Faculty Members Take Oath Today


Headed by the supportive SKSU president Dr. Samson L. Molao, the 161 faculty members took an oath today February 6, 2023, at the University Quadrangle in front of the Administration Building, ACCESS campus, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City. This was conducted after the Institutional Flag Ceremony.

The sweet smile of success was evident to all the 161 faculty members who received their re-classification through DBM’s (Department of Budget and Management) NBC n. 461 (National Budget Circular)8th cycle. They received their new academic rank and title. They were the faculty members who successfully passed the cycle which covers 2016-2019.

Dr. Samson L. Molao congratulated all the newly reclassified faculty and gave his message, he said, “your success is a manifestation that we can climb the top of the mountain, without re-discounting others, though they said its lonely at the top what matters most was the efforts and experiences you got in climbing the top of it”. He urged everyone to help each other, pull each other up, and always be grateful to the source of all good.”

NBC Circular 461 is issued to establish and prescribe rules and regulations governing the implementation of the Revised Compensation and Position Classification Plan for faculty positions in SUCs, BETs, and TETs in accordance with the modified Common Criteria for Evaluation (CCE) faculty positions.

To the newly promoted faculty CONGRATULATIONS!