A Night to Remember: Cultural Extravaganza at ICoNSIE 2024


The International Conference on Nature Studies and Innovation for the Environment (ICoNSIE) 2024 hosted a dazzling Cultural Night. The event, held at the Sultan Kudarat Sports and Cultural Complex, provided an evening of cultural immersion and memorable performances, leaving participants with a deep appreciation for Filipino culture.

The festivities began with an opening message from Hon. Ivan Jordan Abalos, Board Member of the Province of Sultan Kudarat. In his speech, Hon. Abalos emphasized the importance of cultural heritage in fostering environmental stewardship and innovation.

“As we gather here tonight, we are reminded that our cultural traditions are deeply intertwined with our natural environment. By celebrating our heritage, we also honor the land and the resources that sustain us,” said Hon. Abalos, setting the stage for an evening of celebration and reflection.

As attendees enjoyed their dinner, they were treated to a captivating cultural dance performance by the Sultan Kudarat State University Teatro Kalakat Dance Troupe. The troupe showcased a series of traditional dances that narrated the stories and customs of the Philippines, drawing enthusiastic applause from the audience.

Throughout the evening, participants mingled and enjoyed the vibrant atmosphere, creating connections and sharing experiences.

The cultural night provided a unique opportunity for international guests to experience Filipino hospitality and traditions firsthand.

The closing message was delivered by Dr. Jose Edwin C. Cubelo, the Vice President of the Philippine Society for the Study of Nature (PSSN). Dr. Cubelo expressed his gratitude to the Provincial Local Government Unit (PLGU) for their warm welcome and meticulous organization of the event.

“We are deeply thankful to the PLGU for their hospitality and for ensuring that every aspect of ICoNSIE 2024 has been carefully planned and executed. Tonight’s cultural night has been a testament to the richness of Filipino culture and the importance of community in our environmental efforts,” Dr. Cubelo remarked, bringing the evening to a heartfelt close.

ICoNSIE 2024 continues to be a platform for fostering innovation and collaboration in environmental studies, with the Cultural Night serving as a highlight of the conference. The event not only entertained but also inspired, reminding all attendees of the vital connection between culture and nature.