The SKSU is mandated to discharge extension functions to support its primordial mission of offering professional and technical training in science and technology, literature, philosophy, and arts and science. The University’s Extension Division endeavors to become a steady presence in the dissemination and promotion of technologies, knowledge, and skills to the communities in Region XII. Towards this end, the Division has clearly defined its fundamental philosophy, the areas of concern, and the organization and the implementing mechanisms. When these elements are well defined, Extension activities can be effectively and efficiently operationalized and its vision of establishing a proactive role in extension services can be easily and sustainably attained.

Proactive engaging role in extension service delivery especially for agri-based processes and products for inclusive and sustainable growth in the region.
The goal of extension service is geared towards empowering people in the community through the development of individual potentials with values and capacities to transform and improve the quality of their lives and of others in their communities.

Accomplishment Report 2023
- Programs and Projects
- Funded Programs/Projects