Notice of Search and Call for Application for the Next SKSU President


The Sultan Kudarat State University Board of Regents formally and publicly announces that the Search for President is NOW OPEN.


Applicants must possess the following minimum qualifications:

  1. A natural-born Filipino citizen.
  2. Must be of good moral character.
  3. Must not be less than thirty-five (35) years old and not more than sixty-one (61 years old at the time of application for the position (61 years old shall mean from actual date of birth and not a day older beyond 61 years old).
  4. Must be a holder of an earned doctorate degree from a reputable higher education institution.
  5. Must have a proven track record as administrator of a tertiary level institution (e.g. President, Vice-President, Dean, Campus Administrator, Academic Director e.g. Director for Instruction, Director for Research, Director for Extension, Director for Production, Director for Student Affairs, Director for Planning and Development, who reports directly to the Vice-President or President) whether in public or private, for at least five (5) years.

  6. Must not have been convicted of any administrative offense or of any crime involving moral turpitude, wherein the penalty is more than six (6) months.


  1. Formal Application letter addressed to

Commission on Higher Education
CP Garcia Ave., UP Campus
Diliman, Quezon City

  1. Detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), signed under oath
  2. Certified true copy of documents in support of the data stated in the Curriculum Vitae. The Human Resource Management /Records Officer of the organization where the applicant comes from may certify to the authenticity of the documents provided that the original is presented to him/her for comparison.
  3. Applicant’s proposed Vision, Mission and Development Goals for the Sultan Kudarat State University in not more than five (5) pages.
  4. Original Copies of Certificates/Clearances from the following government agencies obtained not more than three (3) months from the date of filing of application, indicating that the applicant has not been convicted of any administrative and/or criminal case:
    • Sandiganbayan
    • Civil Service Commission (CSC)
    • National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
    • Ombudsman (for Government Employee)
    • Institution/Company where applicant is presently employed
  1. Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)-authenticated Birth Certificate.
  2. Duly accomplished CSC Form 212 made under oath/notarized.
  3. Medical Certificate of Physical Fitness issued by a physician from a DOH-recognized accredited health institutions but not with the same institution where the applicant is presently employed. Letterhead of clinic/hospital must indicate DOH accreditation number in case of private hospital or clinic. Likewise, a Certificate of vaccination with at least 1 Booster shot is also required.

  4. Results of Neuro-psychiatric examination conducted by a physician from a DOH-recognized accredited health institutions but not the same institution where the applicant is presently employed. The test results shall also include a statement indicating the purpose for which the test is taken, it should be signed or endorsed by the neuro-psychiatric doctor. e.g “this test was taken in connection with the applicant’s application for the presidency of SKSU”.

The Search Committee reserves the right to verify the results of the examinations required in Nos. 7 & 8.

The Search Committee for the SKSU President reserves the right to validate and verify the authenticity of documents submitted and the right to reject any application that is not in conformity with the applicable provisions of RA8292 and its IRR (CMO 03, series 2001) and CMO 16, series 2009, aside from the above enumerated requirements

An applicant who does not meet ANY of the aforesaid minimum qualifications and FAILS TO SUBMIT a complete set of documentary requirements pertinent to these minimum qualifications on the set deadline shall be DISQUALIFIED from the Search Process.

Qualified applicants are requested to submit one (1) set of original and six (6) sets of certified photocopies of the foregoing documents not later than 5:00 p.m of June 6, 2022 to either

Secretariat, Search Committee for Presidency (SCP)
Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
HEDC Building, CP Garcia Ave., UP Campus
Diliman, Quezon City


Secretariat, Search Committee for Presidency (SCP)
Sultan Kudarat State University
ACCESS, E.J.C. Montilla, Tacurong City