SKSU Reaps Philippine Quality Award


Sultan Kudarat State University, received a letter dated January 19, 2022 from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Dir. Lilian G. Salonga, Director V, stating that Sultan Kudarat State University is a recipient of the Recognition for Proficiency in Quality management during the 24th Philippine Quality Award (PQA) Assessment Cycle.

This is a very big and resounding good news for the University, a new year’s big bang for the year. SKSU reaps Quality awards after months of preparations and steadfast work for excellence.

SKSU underwent formal evaluation last  September 15-17, 2021, through Online evaluation by the six(6) competent  assessors of the Development Academy of the Philippines  .During the evaluation , assessors conducted interviews, evaluation of documents and live site visit of the University. It was conducted simultaneously through breakout sessions.

After three months of waiting SKSU reaps the sweetest fruit of their labor as they were given the coveted recognition as PQA Level II, Proficiency in Quality Management. SKSU will formally receive the award during PQA conferment Ceremony which was tentatively scheduled on March 23, 2022.

Patterned after the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award of the United States, the Philippine Quality Award program is the highest level of national recognition for exemplary organization performance in the Philippines.  PQA was established by Executive Order No. 448 of October 1997 and institutionalized through Republic Act. No 9013 on February 28, 2001 otherwise known as PQA Act. The PQA Criteria for the Public Sector provides and integrates, results-oriented framework in implementing and assessing the processes and results of public sector organizations.

The criteria for performance excellence consist of seven categories: Leadership, Strategic Planning; Customer and Citizen Focus; Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management; Human Resource Focus; Operations Focus and Results.

PQA awards four Levels of Recognition;: Level I Recognition for Commitment to Quality Management; Level II: Recognition for Proficiency in Quality Management; Level III Recognition for Mastery in Quality Management; Level IV The Philippine Quality Award for Performance Excellence.

Congratulations SKSU!


By: Rebecca D. Subillaga, ELT-EdD