SKSU Welcomes IA Accreditors


Wearing their majestic and culturally abound costumes, SKSU personnel formally welcomes the Institutional Accreditation evaluators with a cultural evening dinner, to show goodwill and warmth hospitality .Resounding gong, melodious songs, colorful lights, and high cultural themed decoration with long red-carpet aisle and beautiful and elegant Mindanao costumes ignited the beginning of the 3 days Institutional Accreditation.

The activity started with the doxology of SKSU Himig Chorale. Helen Espartero, Ed.D, director of the ACCESS campus, formally welcomes the accreditors, teachers, students and staff. Dr. Rolando F. Hechanova, PhD., University President gave his inspirational message. In his inspirational message, he made a walk-through of his achievements as a two-term president, which will end on August 13, 2022. In the last part of his message, he gave a list of the suggested priority for the next president, to begin with. The audience gave him a standing ovation for his remarkable achievement made as the Third President of SKSU.

Dr. Myrna Q. Mallari, the team leader, enthusiastically introduced the top-caliber IA evaluator team. She congratulated the University for paving the way to sustainable quality assurance. Engr. Eulogio Apellido Jr., head of the accreditation, introduced the SKSU task force, Area Chairman, and members.

Faculty and Students collaborated to entertain the guests as they center stage the magic, technic, and splendor of Mindanao’s rich and diverse culture that the university embodied. The faculty show the Mindanao dances of T’boli and Maguindanao. The showcase of entertainment is also a way of showing SKSU’s gratitude to the accreditors who gave their time and effort to help the university continuously achieve the quest for excellence in quality assurance.

A delightful and aperitive dinner was served as the faculty entertained the guests with their Maguindanaon dance, beautiful songs, and saxophone music. To end the welcome dinner community dancing was made to foster camaraderie in the community. This activity was conducted on July 24, 2022, at Sultan Kudarat State University Gymnasium.