The University's commitment to serve the poor but deserving students. It shall provide various scholarship programs for deserving
Institutional Scholarships
1. Entrance Scholarship - Top 100 students in the Entrance Scholarship
Examination with one hundred percent (100%) discount from tuition fees.
2. Honors Scholarship - For high school graduates with honor: Valedictorian (100%) discount from tuition fees. Salutatorian (75%) discount from tuition fees.
3. University Scholarship – for student who obtains a grade point average (GPA) of 1.5 or better; has no grade below 2.0, nor has any mark of ‘INC’ or ‘Dropped’ by the end of the semester; and thus, shall enjoy free tuition fees during the following semester.
4. College Scholarship – shall be granted to an undergraduate student who obtains a grade point average (GPA) of 1.75; has no grade below 2.5, nor has any mark of ‘INC’ or ‘Dropped’ by the end of the semester; and thus, shall enjoy 75% discount from tuition fees.
- To qualify for academic scholarship, the prescribed load of a student should be at least 18 academic units of the normal load prescribed in his/her curricular program.
- The academic scholarship shall be for a period of one semester only and shall continue during the succeeding semesters, as long as the student satisfies the prescribed GPA and other requirements.
- If a student qualifies for two or more scholarships, he/she shall be made to choose only one of them.
5. Socio-Cultural/Athletic Scholarship - granted to students having special talents in the performing arts (dancing, singing, etc.) and sports; enrolled with a regular load without a failing grade during the preceding semester. This scholarship based on the criteria for SKSU Socio-Cultural and Classification of Athletes.
6. Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) Scholarship - is granted to students for having extended services and performances representing the institution in the Regional, National and International competition. The Scholarship based on the criteria for SKPSC SIFE scholarship program.