Vision, Mission, Core Values




A trailblazer in arts, science and technology in the region.


The University shall primarily provide advanced instruction and professional training in science and technology, agriculture, fisheries, education and other relevant fields of study. It shall also undertake research and extension services and provide progressive leadership in its areas of specialization.


Fairness: Impartiality

  • To give an equal or equitable chance to everybody
  • To see, her, and know all sides
  • To implement participatory governance

Accountability: Responsibility

  • To institute accountability at all levels
  • To report accurately and timely through tri-media
  • To reward good performers and sanction non-performers

Transparency: Honesty

  • To ensure that all operations of the university will made transparent
  • To be factual and cost-effective
  • To be truthful
  • To computerize processes that will streamline operations  and decisions making and minimize red tape and bureaucratic procedures

Excellence: Quality

  • To be visionary and think outside the box
  • To develop centers of excellence and development in different disciplines
  • To develop regional capabilities in R & D, Science and Technology
  • To advocate stake ownerships not just stakeholdership to all constituents
  • To seek for excellence and not stop at “good”

Service to God and People: God Fearing

  • To lead by example and inspire constituents and be proud as SKSUans
  • To effect God-centered governance
  • To be fair, accountable, and transparent within and without.


  • To produce graduates with excellence and dignity in arts, science and technology.


  1. Enhance competency development, commitment, professionalism, unity and true spirit of service for public accountability, transparency and delivery of quality services;
  2. Provide relevant programs and professional trainings that will respond to the development needs of the region;
  3. Strengthen local and international collaborations and partnerships for borderless programs;
  4. Develop a research culture among faculty and students;
  5. Develop and promote environmentally-sound and market-driven knowledge and technology at par with international standards;
  6. Promote research-based information and technologies for sustainable development;
  7. Enhance resource generation and mobilization to sustain financial viability of the university; and
  8. Strengthen organizational culture, anchored on professionalism, cooperation, unity and true spirit of service for public accountability, transparency and quality delivery of services.